The Noah Purifoy Outdoor Desert Art Museum of Assemblage Sculpture is a short drive away from Joshua Tree National Park. It is a bit off the beaten path (literally: a dirt road leads up to its entrance) and once you arrive you will feel as though you stumbled across this astonishing treasure by accident.
Read More101 Things to Do in LA: La Brea Tar Pits
Three interesting facts about the La Brea Tar Pits: 1. It's not actually tar, it's asphalt. 2. Over 100 excavation pits have been constructed on this site, from which over 1 million bones have been excavated. 3. The La Brea "tar" pits are the only fossil-rich asphalt deposits in the world located in a large urban area.
Read More101 Things to Do in LA: Watts Towers
This is a sight you're going to have to see with your own eyes in order to fully understand how unique and wonderful it is.
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