101 Things to Do in LA: Pageant of the Masters

One after another, life-sized replicas of paintings and sculptures appear on the stage of Pageant of the Masters as a narrator describes highlights from three centuries of art. The audience members, many wrapped in blankets or peering through binoculars, are rapt, unable to blink because they'll miss one of the few seconds each piece is displayed. That's what they have in common with the actors: they can't blink either, because they're pretending to be two-dimensional.

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101 Things to Do in LA: Angels Gate Cultural Center

Angels Gate Cultural Center is perched on a hilltop with stunning views of the harbor and of Catalina Island. Army barracks were transformed into 52 studios for painters, sculptors, printmakers, and a variety of other artists. More than just a collection of studios, the center provides art classes, yoga and meditation classes, and other cultural opportunities to the community. 

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