The Brewery Art Walk, held twice a year in Los Angeles' Lincoln Heights neighborhood, allows an awe-inspiring glimpse into the homes of artists who live and work in a former Pabst brewery.
Read More101 Things to Do in LA: Pageant of the Masters
One after another, life-sized replicas of paintings and sculptures appear on the stage of Pageant of the Masters as a narrator describes highlights from three centuries of art. The audience members, many wrapped in blankets or peering through binoculars, are rapt, unable to blink because they'll miss one of the few seconds each piece is displayed. That's what they have in common with the actors: they can't blink either, because they're pretending to be two-dimensional.
Read More101 Things to Do in LA: Angels Flight
Angels Flight, built in 1901, is one of the world’s shortest inclined railways. After decades of disuse and a couple terrible accidents, it’s back in service, connecting Angelenos to the LA of the past.
Read More101 Things to Do in LA: Old LA Zoo, Griffith Park Carousel, and Bee Rock
Spend a day in Griffith Park and step back into history with a visit to the old zoo and the carousel, followed by a strenuous hike up to Bee Rock.
Read More101 Things to Do in LA: Three Los Angeles Essentials
What are the must-see destinations in Los Angeles? Like, if you're only in town for a weekend? Or if you're visiting from China and you've never been to the US before?
Read More101 Things to Do in LA: Placerita Canyon Nature Center
Have you been to the IKEA in Burbank? Of course you have. If you're willing to drive just 30 minutes past there, you will be rewarded with gorgeous hiking trails and a little bit of history: Placerita Canyon is the site of the very first gold discovery in California.
Read More101 Things to Do in LA: La Brea Tar Pits
Three interesting facts about the La Brea Tar Pits: 1. It's not actually tar, it's asphalt. 2. Over 100 excavation pits have been constructed on this site, from which over 1 million bones have been excavated. 3. The La Brea "tar" pits are the only fossil-rich asphalt deposits in the world located in a large urban area.
Read More101 Things to Do in LA: Angels Gate Cultural Center
Angels Gate Cultural Center is perched on a hilltop with stunning views of the harbor and of Catalina Island. Army barracks were transformed into 52 studios for painters, sculptors, printmakers, and a variety of other artists. More than just a collection of studios, the center provides art classes, yoga and meditation classes, and other cultural opportunities to the community.
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